Goan Poi: A Traditional Bread of Goa

Goan Poi is a traditional bread of Goa, a state located on the west coast of India. It is a staple food in the Goan cuisine and is consumed on a daily basis by the locals. In this article, we will explore the history and significance of Goan Poi, its ingredients, the process of making it, and some tips on how to enjoy it.

The History and Significance of Goan Poi

Goan Poi has a long history and has been a part of the Goan cuisine for centuries. It is believed that the bread was introduced to Goa by the Portuguese who ruled the state for over 450 years. The word ‘Poi’ is derived from the Portuguese word ‘Pao’ which means bread. Over the years, the Goan Poi has evolved and has become an integral part of the Goan culture.

Goan Poi is not just a bread but has cultural and social significance as well. It is a symbol of hospitality and is served to guests as a gesture of welcome. It is also an important part of religious ceremonies and is offered to the gods during festivals.

Ingredients of Goan Poi

Goan Poi is made from simple ingredients that are easily available in the local markets. The main ingredients are flour, yeast, sugar, salt, and water. Some bakers also add milk to the dough to make it softer.

The Process of Making Goan Poi

The process of making Goan Poi is a labor-intensive one and requires a lot of skill and patience. Here is a step-by-step guide to making Goan Poi:

  • Prepare the dough by mixing flour, yeast, sugar, salt, and water in a bowl. Knead the dough until it is smooth and elastic.
  • Cover the dough and let it rest for a few hours until it doubles in size.
  • Divide the dough into small balls and let them rest for a few more hours.
  • Roll out each ball into a thin disc.
  • Place the disc on a hot griddle and cook until it puffs up and develops brown spots.
  • Flip the bread and cook for a few more minutes until it is cooked through.
  • Remove from the griddle and brush with butter.

Tips on How to Enjoy Goan Poi

Goan Poi can be enjoyed in many ways. Here are some tips on how to enjoy it:

  • Serve it hot with butter, jam, or honey for breakfast.
  • Use it as a wrap for your favorite filling to make a delicious sandwich.
  • Serve it with curry or any other Indian dish for a complete meal.
  • Use it to make bread pudding or French toast for a sweet treat.


Goan Poi is not just a bread but a symbol of the Goan culture and tradition. It is an integral part of the Goan cuisine and is consumed on a daily basis by the locals. The process of making it is a labor-intensive one and requires a lot of skill and patience. Goan Poi can be enjoyed in many ways and is a versatile bread that can be used in both sweet and savory dishes.


What is the origin of Goan Poi?

Goan Poi is believed to have been introduced to Goa by the Portuguese who ruled the state for over 450 years.

What are the main ingredients of Goan Poi?

The main ingredients of Goan Poi are flour, yeast, sugar, salt, and water.

What is the significance of Goan Poi in the Goan culture?

Goan Poi is a symbol of hospitality and is served to guests as a gesture

How is Goan Poi traditionally consumed?

Goan Poi is traditionally consumed with butter, jam, or honey for breakfast, or with curry or other Indian dishes for a complete meal.

Can Goan Poi be used in sweet dishes?

Yes, Goan Poi can be used in sweet dishes such as bread pudding or French toast.

Is Goan Poi easily available outside of Goa?

It may be difficult to find authentic Goan Poi outside of Goa, but some specialty food stores or online retailers may carry it.

Can Goan Poi be made with gluten-free flour?

Yes, Goan Poi can be made with gluten-free flour for those with gluten sensitivities or dietary restrictions.

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