What are the Elders in Goa Nostalgic About?

Goa, located on the western coast of India, is known for its stunning beaches, vibrant culture, and delicious seafood. The state has a rich history and was a Portuguese colony for over 450 years before it became a part of India in 1961. The elders in Goa have witnessed this transformation and have their share of memories and stories to tell. In this article, we will explore what the elders in Goa are nostalgic about and how their memories shape their present.


In the introduction, we will provide a brief overview of what the article will cover. We will also mention the importance of elders in Goa and how their experiences can help us understand the state’s cultural heritage.

Growing up in Old Goa

Old Goa, also known as Velha Goa, was the capital of Portuguese India from the 16th century until the mid-18th century. The city was once a bustling metropolis with magnificent churches, grand mansions, and a thriving trade industry. The elders in Goa who grew up in Old Goa have many memories of the city’s vibrant culture and heritage.

One of the things that the elders in Goa are nostalgic about is the architecture of Old Goa. The city was home to several iconic structures, including the Basilica of Bom Jesus, the Se Cathedral, and the Church of St. Francis of Assisi. The elders remember visiting these churches with their families and being mesmerized by their grandeur.

The elders also have fond memories of their school days in Old Goa. They remember walking to school with their friends and playing in the city’s streets during recess. The schools in Old Goa were known for their strict discipline, and the elders remember being punished for not following the rules.

The elders in Goa who grew up in Old Goa also have memories of their daily routines. They remember waking up early in the morning and going to the local market to buy fresh produce. They also remember attending evening prayers at the local church and spending time with their families.

Portuguese Influence on Goan Culture

The Portuguese ruled Goa for over four centuries, and their influence on Goan culture is still evident today. The elders in Goa are nostalgic about the Portuguese influence on their cuisine, music, and architecture.

One of the things that the elders in Goa are nostalgic about is the Portuguese influence on Goan cuisine. The Portuguese introduced several ingredients and cooking techniques to Goan cuisine, which gave rise to dishes like vindaloo, sorpotel, and xacuti. The elders remember eating these dishes during festivals and special occasions, and they still crave the taste of traditional Goan food.

The elders in Goa are also nostalgic about the Portuguese influence on Goan music. The Portuguese brought with them the guitar and other musical instruments, which were soon incorporated into Goan music. The elders remember attending local music festivals and dancing to the rhythm of Goan folk music.

Finally, the elders in Goa are nostalgic about the Portuguese influence on Goan architecture. The Portuguese introduced several architectural styles to Goa, including Baroque and Renaissance styles. The elders remember admiring the grandeur of the churches and mansions built in these styles and being proud of their city’s heritage.

Food and Drink

The elders in Goa are also nostalgic about the traditional Goan cuisine that they grew up with. One of the foods that they particularly remember and love is bread. The bread in Goa is distinct from other types of bread in India, as it has a unique flavor and texture. The bread is typically baked in wood-fired ovens, which gives it a smoky flavor that is hard to find elsewhere.

The elders in Goa remember the days when bread was baked fresh every morning, and the aroma of fresh bread filled the air. They recall visiting local bakeries with their families and buying warm loaves of bread to enjoy with tea or coffee.

Another food that the elders in Goa are nostalgic about is fish curry. Fish curry is a staple in Goan cuisine and is known for its spicy and tangy flavors. The elders remember eating fish curry with rice and enjoying it with their families and friends.

Overall, food and drink are an essential part of Goan culture, and the elders in Goa continue to hold on to their memories and traditions related to food.

Traditional Goan Festivals

Goa is known for its vibrant festivals that celebrate its rich culture and heritage. The elders in Goa are nostalgic about the traditional Goan festivals that they grew up celebrating. These festivals bring together people of all ages and backgrounds and are an essential part of Goa’s cultural identity.

One of the festivals that the elders in Goa are nostalgic about is the Feast of St. Francis Xavier. This festival is celebrated every year on December 3rd and commemorates the death of St. Francis Xavier, the patron saint of Goa. The elders remember attending mass at the Basilica of Bom Jesus and participating in the procession that followed.

The elders in Goa are also nostalgic about the Carnival festival. The Carnival festival is celebrated every year before the beginning of Lent and is known for its colorful parades, music, and dancing. The elders remember dressing up in colorful costumes and participating in the carnival’s festivities.

Family and Community Bonding

The elders in Goa often talk about the strong sense of community and family bonding that existed in their younger days. In those days, families and communities were closely knit, and people looked out for each other.

The elders remember spending time with their families and participating in community events. They also remember their neighbors and the close relationships that

they shared. The elders in Goa are nostalgic about the sense of belonging and togetherness that they experienced during their youth.

One of the ways that the elders in Goa bonded with their families and communities was through traditional games and sports. The elders remember playing games like marbles, hopscotch, and kho-kho with their friends and neighbors. They also remember playing sports like football and cricket, which were popular in Goa even during the colonial period.

The elders in Goa also remember participating in community events like weddings, christenings, and festivals. These events brought together families and communities and provided an opportunity for people to socialize and bond.


In conclusion, the elders in Goa are nostalgic about many aspects of their youth, including the architecture of Old Goa, the Portuguese influence on Goan culture, traditional Goan festivals, and family and community bonding. These memories are an important part of Goa’s cultural heritage and provide a window into the city’s rich history.

Despite the changes that Goa has undergone in recent years, the elders in Goa continue to hold on to their memories and traditions. They are a testament to the resilience of Goan culture and the enduring spirit of its people.


What is Old Goa, and why is it significant?

Old Goa was the capital of Portuguese India from the 16th century until the mid-18th century. The city was once a bustling metropolis with magnificent churches, grand mansions, and a thriving trade industry. Today, it is a UNESCO World Heritage site and is significant for its cultural and historical significance.

What is the Feast of St. Francis Xavier?

The Feast of St. Francis Xavier is celebrated every year on December 3rd and commemorates the death of St. Francis Xavier, the patron saint of Goa. The festival is celebrated with mass at the Basilica of Bom Jesus and a procession through the city.

What are some traditional Goan dishes?

Some traditional Goan dishes include vindaloo, sorpotel, and xacuti. These dishes are known for their bold flavors and use of ingredients like coconut, tamarind, and chili peppers.

What is the Carnival festival in Goa?

The Carnival festival is celebrated every year before the beginning of Lent and is known for its colorful parades, music, and dancing. The festival is a time of celebration and is a significant part of Goa’s cultural heritage.

What are some traditional games and sports played in Goa?

Some traditional games and sports played in Goa include marbles, hopscotch, kho-kho, football, and cricket. These games and sports are an important part of Goan culture and are enjoyed by people of all ages.

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